Saturday 2 October 2010

Protecting my secret

I see him there in front of me.  Gently mocking with his dark smile.  Laughing so softly, believing he knowz it.  But he cannot see all of me, he cannot see her.  Hidden beneath my swathes of clothing.  She's hiding, silently, and he doesn't know she's there.
I whisper for her to hush for a second, her voice almost as loud as my own in my head.  "He doesn't know".  I hiss silently.  Expressionless I have to protect her, save her from what the mocking could become.  Precious.  She will be all that I am and I that I could be.
I hold firm.  My breath lost in fear.
And like magic, he is gone.
Safe, I am.  Relieved, she is.

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