Monday, 12 November 2012

The Shopaholic's Frenzy

It's like they hide all year,
Bating their breath with the excitement to come
Glittering trophies surrounding their fantasies,
Heightened senses guiding their lust
Overwhelming sensibility.
Lost in the crowds
Like prowling tigers,
They circle their prey.
Pushing through masses 
With their slight of hand
They glean their prizes
Crushing opposition
As they wade through the sea.
If only they saw
The frivolity of it all.
And let me just buy my tea.

Photo sourced at Royalty Free Stock Photos

(Bacon) Love to the Nth Degree

Grumpy on Sundays,
He rises from sleeps.

Wary of movement,
Just stops.
And sneezes.
A good old stretch.
A night of slumber
Beckoning him back.

But bacon is calling,
Hot and fresh.

Filling his senses
With that sensuous smell.

A primitive yearning,
It overpowers his senses
As morning has broken 
For man this day.

Photo sourced at Royalty Free Stock Photos